“Children focus on what they can’t do, adults focus on what they can do”
Parent Partnership is very important to us at Camau Cyntaf I Ddysgu. Parents know their children better than anyone and are the main source of information when getting to know a child. By communicating effectively, sharing information and building positive relationships we can ensure both yourself and your child have the best possible early years experience.
At our settings we offer the following to support us in developing good relationships:

Open Door Policy

Termly Parents Day

Stay & Play Sessions
Keyworker Approach
Each child at the setting is assigned a key person who is responsible for ensuring your child’s settling in period goes as smoothly as possible and that their individual needs are being met. The key person provides your child with a secure base from which to explore from and a safe haven to return to. As the parent you also build a relationship with your child’s keyworker, enabling you to share information back and forth to support both your child and yourself during your time with us.