Camau Cyntaf – First Steps Rhydyfelin
Where to find us
Holly street, Rhydyfelin,
Pontypridd, CF37 5DB
Contact Details
Opening Hours
We are registered as a day care service which includes sessional care for children aged 2 years to 8 years for 39 weeks of the year. Our setting is a Flying Start provider, is ESTYN registered and are also registered for the Childcare Offer.
We offer a Wrap Around service for Heol Y Celyn Primary School
We have a dedicated Welsh room providing our service in the Welsh language
- Full Day Care: 9.00am – 3.00pm
- 2.5 Hour Session: 9.00am – 11.30am or 12.15pm – 2.45pm
- Wrap Around: 12.15pm _ 3.15pm
- Full Day Care: 8.45am – 3.15pm
- 3 Hour Session: 8.45am – 11.45am or 12.15pm – 3.15pm
- 2.5 Hour Session: 9.00am – 11.30am or 12.15pm _ 2.45pm
- Wrap Around: 12.15pm _ 3.15pm
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In Good Hands
Hayley Griffiths
Lauren Watts
Our facility is wheelchair friendly and provide appropriate areas for a range of needs including a food preparation area, a quiet area, play area inside and out and play space accessible freely to the children and will be wheelchair friendly. Toilet and first aid facilities are available for children and adults. An office and meeting room is available.
We offer various play sessions, parent & carer days & provide a range of opportunities for children, carers and professionals to explore the setting and their wider communities through visits, activities & events Children’s health, well-being and development is encouraged and promoted through a range of activities which are incorporated into our daily routine to promote, economic, social and environmental sustainability.
We can offer extended services should this be required by service users. Contact us for more information.
Promoting the health and well-being of our children is a top priority and any snacks and drinks provided will be in line with our healthy eating policy and your child’s dietary needs. The setting participates in the RCT Healthy and Sustainable Pre school Scheme.
The project helps to identify, develop and communicate a positive ethos which promotes respect towards all, and a positive approach to health, the environment and the community and ensures that all children have the opportunity to benefit from stimulating challenges and the right to play.
For more information Click Here.
The setting will provide milk and water and a selection of snacks throughout the day.
Semi Skimmed Milk is offered and Water freely available – Children are encouraged to pour and help prepare their own snacks and recycle food waste and containers.
Our menu has been developed in line with the Welsh Government Food and Health guidelines for Early Years Settings. We offer a nutritional snack not a main meal and any additional allergen information is available on request.
Please contact the setting for their current daycare or sessional menu.
Activities Provided
Activities will be planned daily, weekly and termly offering varied opportunities for play, based on the needs of the children that includes sand and water play, role play, messy and creative play, music and exploring the environment and the world around them to promote environmental sustainability. Physical play is encouraged throughout all activities. Please read our noticeboard for up-to-date information of services offered.
Children and carers are encouraged to participate in the planning of activities and ideas for equipment and future development of the group. A rota is available on the parent’s board.
The ethos of the setting is to encourage staff, children and families to consider our local environment and to participate in activities such as litter picking and recycling.
“Since intergration children into the Cylch Meithrin from Suresteps we have been very happy with the progress of children and been made to feel we are welcome and part of the setting. Thank you.”
“Elijah has been here at the clych since April 16. He has come on so much with his speech and behaviour, he has a good relationship with all the staff and really enjoys coming. Elijah suffers with severe eczema and the girls are brilliant at helping with his skin it’s bad. Any problems I have there always there to help with Elijah if being his skin, toilet training or behaviour.”
“I can’t thank the girls enough for all the help they have given to my son Tavis in settling him into nursery. My husband works on the oil rigs and the staff have been very accomodating with the days Tavis attends. He has grown in confidence and loves going to Meithrin.”
Useful Links
Statement of purpose
To enquire for the statement of purpose, please contact the settlement directly for more information.